
Disfruta los mejores platillos del Perú

Lo mejor de todo es que Sanguchería Nazca
te espera con la gastronomía
mas rica de toda la zona!

Hamburguesas y sanguches

Las más deliciosas


Baked with natural ingredient

Fresh Bread

As well known and we are very busy all days. Advice you to call us before arriving so we.

Lettuce Leaf

As well known and we are very busy all days. Advice you to call us before arriving so we.

Glow Cheese

As well known and we are very busy all days. Advice you to call us before arriving so we.

Mild Butter

As well known and we are very busy all days. Advice you to call us before arriving so we.

Sleek Onion

As well known and we are very busy all days. Advice you to call us before arriving so we.

Slices Beef

As well known and we are very busy all days. Advice you to call us before arriving so we.


Choose your combo & order now!


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Labor Depar rules

You’re cooking a meal, especially a holiday meal, to be

New restaurant town

You’re cooking a meal, especially a holiday meal, to be

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You’re cooking a meal, especially a holiday meal, to be

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